Analysis of Errors When Measuring the Heat Diffusivity Coefficient of Alloys by Pulse Method


  • O. E. Karakulov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • S. V. Buzilov Kalashnikov ISTU


systematic errors, heat diffusivity coefficient, pulse method, experimental stand


The paper presents the analysis of systematic errors when measuring the heat diffusivity of alloys by pulse method. Experimental stand for measuring the heat diffusivity coefficient for samples of various shape is also described.

Author Biographies

O. E. Karakulov, Kalashnikov ISTU

Senior Lecturer

S. V. Buzilov, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD (Physics and Mathematics)


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How to Cite

Karakulov О. Е., & Buzilov С. В. (2015). Analysis of Errors When Measuring the Heat Diffusivity Coefficient of Alloys by Pulse Method. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 13(1), 168–171. Retrieved from



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