Backlash-Free Meshing of Teeth of Satellite and Central Gearwheel of Planetary Continuously Adjustable Gear: Features, Advantages and Drawbacks


  • A. M. Dankov Belarusian-Russian University



planetary continuously adjustable gear train, satellite, backlash-free gearing


A planetary continuously adjustable gear with a compound central gear has a relatively simple power kinematic chain and it is based on the use of the efficient involute gearing. This transmission is one-profile: the tooth contact takes place at one flank and the backlash is provided at the other flank. The constancy of the backlash in meshing within the process of controlling the gear ratio is provided by rigid kinematic relation between displacements of elements; and it is achieved by a complex mechanism. It can be greatly simplified in the gear with the power circuit and backlash-free meshing of teeth. The closing force is implemented only in the process of changing the gear ratio of the gear; and it may be created not only by the elastic element (spring), although this option seems to be the best. The geometric shape of the geared sectors and the configuration of the compound central gearwheel cause the need of periodic elimination of power closing and fixing the satellite in a zone of re-mating the geared sectors of various power flows in a certain position in case of any changes in the gear ratio. The design of the satellite for a gear with power closing the gearwheels is described and the efficiency of applying the well-known gears for this case is considered.

Author Biography

A. M. Dankov, Belarusian-Russian University

DSc in Engineering, Associate Professor


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Там же.

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How to Cite

Dankov А. М. (2017). Backlash-Free Meshing of Teeth of Satellite and Central Gearwheel of Planetary Continuously Adjustable Gear: Features, Advantages and Drawbacks. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(1), 27–34.



Mechanical engineering