Hobbing the Bevel Non-Involute Pinion of Helical-Bevel Gear оf Internal Meshing


  • E. A. Poluektov South Ural State University (National Research University), Zlatoust branch
  • T. R. Khaziev South Ural State University (National Research University), Zlatoust branch




helical-bevel gear, internal meshing, non-involute pinion, hobbing


The paper deals with the gear having a bevel pinion and cylindrical internal gearwheel produced by conventional techniques of gear shaping. When generating the flanks of pinion teeth of the helical-bevel gear of internal meshing, the manufacturing problem arises related to generation of the tooth flank. It is due to the necessity to produce the shaping cutter with internal teeth having the geometry identical to the geometry of the gearwheel. In this research a new principle is described for generation of the approximated profile of the pinion teeth for a helical-bevel gear by the rack-type tool. The proposed method provides the degree of approximation of the generated surface to the theoretically precise one which is enough for practical implementation.

Author Biographies

E. A. Poluektov, South Ural State University (National Research University), Zlatoust branch

PhD in Engineering

T. R. Khaziev, South Ural State University (National Research University), Zlatoust branch


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How to Cite

Poluektov Е. А., & Khaziev Т. Р. (2017). Hobbing the Bevel Non-Involute Pinion of Helical-Bevel Gear оf Internal Meshing. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(2), 12–15. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2017-2-12-15



Mechanical engineering