Vladimir Aleksandrovich Alekseev
Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Izhevsk, Russia
Scientific and publicational activity: РИНЦ, SCOPUS, ORCID.
PhD, Professor, Scientific Secretary of the Izhevsk State Technical University. Vladimir Alexandrovich Alekseev (born in 1947) graduated with honors from Izhevsk Mechanical Institute (now Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University). After graduation he remained there and from 1970 to 1975 he worked as an engineer, a senior researcher in R&D laboratories. After postgraduate course he defended his PhD thesis in the Urals Polytechnic Institute majoring in Technical Cybernetics. After his thesis, he worked in Izhevsk Mechanical Institute as the head of the laboratory of Automation of Measurements until 1985. Parallel to this, he conducted classes with students at the faculty of Computer Engineering. From 1985 to 1995 he worked in the Institute of Physics and Technology of UB RAS as the head of the laboratory of Automation of Physical and Technical Measurements, and as a deputy director for science.
He defended his DSc thesis in 1994 majoring in Information Measurement Systems. Since 2000 he returned to Izhevsk State Technical University where he worked as a Head of the Department of the Laser Systems. Since 2007 he has been the Scientific Secretary of the University. DSc in Engineering, Professor V.A. Alekseev is a scientist specializing in automation of measurements and processing of information in scientific research and military equipment.
New methods developed by him and related to automation of measurements and processing of information using adaptive data reduction forms and intelligent sensors have been used in organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense (seven systems of automation of the test procedures of military equipment), EMERCOM of Russia, industrial enterprises, (“Izhmoloko” OJSC, Izhevsk; chemical weapons destruction plants in Kambarka, the village of Shchuchye etc.), Scientific and Research Organizations (Lomonosov Moscow State University; Institute of Biophysics of MHC of the USSR, Moscow; Institute of Physics and Technology of UB RAS, Udmurt Institute of History, Culture and Language of UB RAS, Izhevsk; State Scientific-Research Organic Chemistry and Technology Institute, Moscow; Association “Rost”, Moscow, etc.).
More recently, V.A. Alekseev has been leading the development of a new scientific area – “Integrated Security and Safety of Potentially Hazardous Objects”. The results of his scientific research are systematically publicly presented in the form of reports at international and Russian conferences, forums or seminars, where he generally performed as a section chair.
V.A. Alekseev’s innovations were awarded silver medals at the Economic Achievements Exhibition (1979, 1988), the silver medal of BRUSSELS EUREX (1999), the diploma of EMERCOM of Russia (2006). V.A. Alekseev was the winner of the Technical and Scientific Contest held by USSR Ministry of Defense.
The results of the development of the above-mentioned scientific directions and their implementation were reflected in 190 printed works, 35 certificates of authorship and patents, M.T. Kalashnikov Prize in 2008.
In the past 5 years he published 60 academic articles, acquired 5 patents, wrote 5 co-authored monographs “Design of registration of animals hemodynamic indices based on the method of photoplethysmography”, Izhevsk, Izhevsk State Technical University, 2006; “The Automation of Registration and Measurement Information Processing When Impact Testing”, Izhevsk, Izhevsk State Technical University, 2006. “Complex Multistage System of Security of Critical and Potentially Hazardous Objects”, Izhevsk, Association “Scientific book”, 2007 – p. 184 “Registration of the parameters of the impact processes in the environmental monitoring systems”, Izhevsk, Izhevsk State Technical University, 2006; “Methods and Systems of Processing of Biomonitoring Data of Potentially Hazardous Objects ” , Samara, Samara State Aerospace University, 2011.
As part of the activities to train academic staff with the highest qualification ten Candidate of Engineering theses, three Doctor of Sciences theses were defended under his scientific supervision and consultations.
The Collection of scientific papers of the Institute of Physics and Technology of UB RAS “Automation of Physical and Technical measurements” and “Instrument engineering in the XXI century. Integration of Science, Education and Industry” of ISTU was published under the editorship of V.A. Alekseev. He is a member of the regional editorial team of scientific and technical journals – “Sensors and Systems”, “The Theoretical and Applied Ecology”, and the editor-in-chief of the journal “Intellectual Systems in Manufacturing”.
V.A. Alekseev is engaged in productive pedagogical activities; being a Head of “Laser systems” Department, he participates in teaching the experts in “Laser systems in Missile Equipment and Cosmonautics”. 2 postgraduate students, 2 PhD and one DSc applicant are working under his scientific leadership. Among those ones who defended their PhD theses is a postgraduate student from Syria; and two foreign students (Germany, Syria) are currently doing their theses work.
The important aspect of social and scientific and organizational activities of V.A. Alekseev is his active participation in social and scientific organizations. He is a full member of the Academy of Military Science, a member of the Russian Engineering Union, the Optical Association named after D.S. Rozhdestvensky. From 1995 to 1998 V.A. Alekseev worked as the elected Head of the Kizner District Administration of the Udmurt Republic, and from 1998 to 2002 he was the deputy of this district. Being the Head of the Administration in the district where one of the seven arsenals of chemical weapons in Russia is situated, V.A. Alekseev continued his social and scientific activities aimed at the development and creation of some new environmentally friendly technologies of chemical weapons destruction in accordance with Russian international obligations, particularly in ensuring the protection of civilians, when disposing of weapons.
From 2000 to 2008 he was responsible for the formation of the elements of systems of industrial environmental monitoring at the chemical weapons destruction facility in Kambarka (Udmurt Republic) and the village of Shchuchye (Kurgan Region).
Being a respected scientist, V.A. Alekseev is a member of Dissertation Councils: D 212.065.06; D 212.065.04; DC 212.002.03; D 212.065.01.
For fruitful work in creation of new technologies and engineering equipment, V.A. Alekseev was awarded the Badge “the Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation” (2006), the XV years of EMERCOM of Russia's Medal (2007), the EMERCOM of Russia's Badge “For elimination of recordable incidents consequences” (2007), the Badges “For the contribution to the destruction of chemical weapons” (III degree – 2006, II degree – 2007, I degree - 2007); the Memorial Medal “Colonel-General Pikalov”, the Medal “ХV years of the Federal Department on Safety Stockpiling and Destruction of Chemical Weapons” (2007), the Memorial Medal “75 years of Civil Defense” (2007), the Medal “For Cooperation In The Name Of Rescue” (2008).
V.A. Alekseev was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Udmurt Republic Government (1997), the Certificate of Honor of the State Council of Udmurtia (2007), and in 2001 he was awarded the honorary title “Honored scientific worker of the Udmurt Republic”.