Ecological and Economical Control of Techogenic Industrial Enterprise Under Conditions of Instability


  • S. K. Ramazanov Volodimir Dahl East-Ukrainian National University


technogenic industrial enterprise, production system, ecologic-economical management, economical and mathematical modeling, complex of models, systems analysis, intellectualization, integration processes, instability, fuzzy systems, principles of the «NO» and «MANY» factor analysis and synthesis


The complex of models and system of instruments of ecological and economical management based on a new concept, principles and methodology of creation of the ecological and economical monitoring integrated system, design and management of a technogenic industrial enterprise are developed.

Author Biography

S. K. Ramazanov, Volodimir Dahl East-Ukrainian National University

; Volodimir Dahl East-Ukrainian National University


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How to Cite

Ramazanov С. К. (2010). Ecological and Economical Control of Techogenic Industrial Enterprise Under Conditions of Instability. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 5(1), 52–66. Retrieved from


