Realization of Diagnostic and Efficient Biomonitoring of Territories with Potentially Dangerous Objects


  • V. А. Alekseev Izhevsk State Technical University
  • М. V. Telegina Physicotechnical institute of Udmurt Center of UB RAS
  • I. М. Yannikov Izhevsk State Technical University


diagnostic and operative biomonitoring, identification ecological range, database, specific background content, calculation of bioobject parameters, potentially chemically dangerous object


The creation and application of ecological identification ranges for biomonitoring territories with potentially chemically dangerous objects are described. Only in conditions of a range it is possible to estimate influence of small and ultra low dozes of polluting substances on bioobjects and to define dependences "doze-effect" and "time-reaction". Schemes of carrying out the diagnostic and operative biomonitoring, measurements schedule condition change, extreme situations forecast and further decision-making are given. The estimation of the object influence on environment by comparison of bioobject under investigation with standards received on ranges is shown.

Author Biographies

V. А. Alekseev, Izhevsk State Technical University

; Izhevsk State Technical University

М. V. Telegina, Physicotechnical institute of Udmurt Center of UB RAS

; Physicotechnical institute of Udmurt Center of UB RAS

I. М. Yannikov, Izhevsk State Technical University

; Izhevsk State Technical University


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How to Cite

Alekseev В. А., Telegina М. В., & Yannikov И. М. (2010). Realization of Diagnostic and Efficient Biomonitoring of Territories with Potentially Dangerous Objects. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 5(1), 258–265. Retrieved from


