Recognition of Images and Semantic Analysis of Text in Patent-License Search


  • А. .. Kuchuganov Izhevsk State Technical University
  • М. N. Mokrousov Izhevsk State Technical University


patent and license search, domain ontology, semantic search, interactive annotation, graphic search, image interpretation, image recognition


The application of image recognition and semantic analysis of text in computer-aided patent and license search system for businesses of the National Nanotechnology Network of the Udmurt Republic is presented.

Author Biographies

А. .. Kuchuganov, Izhevsk State Technical University

; Izhevsk State Technical University

М. N. Mokrousov, Izhevsk State Technical University

; Izhevsk State Technical University


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Мокроусов М. Н. Проектирование и контроль корректности словарей терминов и определений в электронных учебниках и автоматизированных обучающих системах // Молодежь и современные информационные технологии : сб. тр. 7-й Всерос. науч.-практ. конф. - Томск : СПБ Графикс, 2009. - Ч. 1. - С. 305-306.

Kuchuganov, A. V. Recursions in Image Analysis Problems // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. - 2009. - Vol. 19, nr 3. - Pp. 501-507.



How to Cite

Kuchuganov А. В., & Mokrousov М. Н. (2010). Recognition of Images and Semantic Analysis of Text in Patent-License Search. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 5(1), 292–299. Retrieved from


