Influence the physical features of the television skanistor structures to a measurement accuracy of misalignment of the barrel pipes


  • A. M. Lipanov Academician, Institute of Applied Mechanics of the Ural branch of RAS, Izhevsk
  • Y. K. Shelkovnikov Institute of Applied Mechanics of the Ural branch of RAS, Izhevsk
  • K. V. Sermyagin Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
  • A. V. Aliev Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University


scanistor meter, angular movements, video signal, amplitude modulation


The paper considers the basic properties, mode of operation and circuitry of the television scanistor as a non-contact sensor of the measuring data in measuring devices for barrel pipe misalignment. Conditions and necessary transformations of a scanistor video signal are determined to measure the temporary location of its characteristic points that define the coordinates of light zones. Physical characteristics of scanistor operation were investigated and expressions of the error of the measured coordinate determination were achieved with their account.

Author Biographies

A. M. Lipanov, Academician, Institute of Applied Mechanics of the Ural branch of RAS, Izhevsk

DSc in Engineering

Y. K. Shelkovnikov, Institute of Applied Mechanics of the Ural branch of RAS, Izhevsk

DSc in Engineering, Professor

K. V. Sermyagin, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University


A. V. Aliev, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor


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How to Cite

Lipanov А. М., Shelkovnikov Ю. К., Sermyagin К. В., & Aliev А. В. (2012). Influence the physical features of the television skanistor structures to a measurement accuracy of misalignment of the barrel pipes. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 7(2), 112–117. Retrieved from


