Modelling of Polyphase Jet Interaction with a Moving Cloth Surface during Ablution Process
liquid flow, porous materials, mathematical modelAbstract
The mathematical model of the liquid jet leakage on a porous moving barrier is presented. The model is based on 3D hydrodynamics equations with appropriate boundary conditions. The numerical investigation showed an essential dependence of the barrier velocity on characteristics of the liquid spreading. The results can be applied in organization of the ablution process of porous materials.References
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How to Cite
Tenenyev В. А., Kalinkin А. А., Turygin Ю. В., & Svinov А. В. (2011). Modelling of Polyphase Jet Interaction with a Moving Cloth Surface during Ablution Process. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 6(2), 73–82. Retrieved from