Schematic Design of Relaxation Measuring Transducer of CG-Based Two-Terminal Parameters


  • M. Y. Mishkov Sarapul Polytechnical Institute, Branch of Izhevsk State Technical University


CG-based two-terminal, relaxation, modulation, measuring circuit


The schematic design of the relaxation measuring transducer of CG-based two-terminal parameters is considered, and realization variants of some its units are described. An experimental study of the transducer model showing, including the determination of measuring circuit initial parameters and measurement errors of capacitance and conductivity, are presented.

Author Biography

M. Y. Mishkov, Sarapul Polytechnical Institute, Branch of Izhevsk State Technical University

кандидат технических наук; Сарапульский политехнический институт (филиал) ИжГТУ; Sarapul Polytechnical Institute, Branch of Izhevsk State Technical University


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How to Cite

Mishkov М. Ю. (2011). Schematic Design of Relaxation Measuring Transducer of CG-Based Two-Terminal Parameters. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 6(2), 209–214. Retrieved from


