Automated complex of video information recording in tests of small-caliber ammunition


  • Y. N. Lipchenko Deputy CEO, CEO of Noginsk Department of PC "SPA" Pribor"
  • G. V. Tsymbalov Head of control and test station of Noginsk Department of PC "SPA" Pribor"
  • R. R. Sharipov Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical Univeristy, Deputy head of control and test station of Noginsk Department of PC "SPA "Pribor"
  • V. I. Zabolotskikh Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University


small-caliber ammunition, registration, video information, process of measurement, automation, speed and direction of scattering fragments


The composition of the complex automated registration video for testing small-caliber ammunition and grenade launcher rounds is shown, the main requirements to its structure are formulated. The examples of application of professional camcorders "Canon XL2» with set of lenses, high-speed video camera "Videosprint" with a maximum frame rate of 10,000 frames per second, high-speed recorder with a frame rate of more than 2 million frames per second are considered.

Author Biographies

Y. N. Lipchenko, Deputy CEO, CEO of Noginsk Department of PC "SPA" Pribor"

PhD in Engineering

G. V. Tsymbalov, Head of control and test station of Noginsk Department of PC "SPA" Pribor"

R. R. Sharipov, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical Univeristy, Deputy head of control and test station of Noginsk Department of PC "SPA "Pribor"


V. I. Zabolotskikh, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

DSc in Engineering, Senior Research Worker, Professor of “Electrical Engineering” Department


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How to Cite

Lipchenko Ю. Н., Tsymbalov Г. В., Sharipov Р. Р., & Zabolotskikh В. И. (2013). Automated complex of video information recording in tests of small-caliber ammunition. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., (2), 69–73. Retrieved from


