Research of the Engineering Complex of Water Supply for Information-Telecommunication System by Means of the Method of Dynamics of Averages


  • A. Y. Raskin LLC Tehnotronics, Perm


information and telecommunication system, telemetry, water supply network


The mathematical model of an engineering complex of water supply for the automated information-telecommunication system, based on a method of dynamics of averages is considered. On the basis of the given model the mathematical model which considers deterioration of the engineering equipment of a water supply complex is constructed.

Author Biography

A. Y. Raskin, LLC Tehnotronics, Perm

; LLC Tehnotronics, Perm


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How to Cite

Raskin А. Я. (2011). Research of the Engineering Complex of Water Supply for Information-Telecommunication System by Means of the Method of Dynamics of Averages. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 6(1), 216–224. Retrieved from


