Integration of motion equations for charged particles in the axially symmetric magnetic field


  • I. N. Efimov Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
  • E. A. Morozov Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
  • K. M. Selivanov Perm National Research Polytechnic Institute


charged particles, axially symmetric magnetic field, mathematical models, numerical integration, motion


On the basis of Hamilton mechanics, a mathematical model is developed, describing inductive acceleration and precision focusing of charged particles in axially symmetric magnetic field. Calculation results are given for focusing properties with applying the algorithms of numerical integration, resistant to accumulation of account errors.

Author Biographies

I. N. Efimov, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

DSc in Engineering, Professor

E. A. Morozov, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

DSc in Engineering, Professor

K. M. Selivanov, Perm National Research Polytechnic Institute

PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor


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Там же.

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How to Cite

Efimov Е. И., Morozov Е. А., & Selivanov К. М. (2014). Integration of motion equations for charged particles in the axially symmetric magnetic field. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 2(2), 13–15. Retrieved from



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