Control system for intelligent oil wells operated by downhole method


  • G. V. Milovzorov Udmurt State University
  • M. I. Khakimyanov Ufa State Oil Technical University
  • T. A. Redkina Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. G. Milovzorov Udmurt State University


intellectual well, sucker rod pump, control system, dynamometer card, wattmeter card, specific energy consumption


We consider a control system for oil wells, the composition of technological sensors and functionality of software. The authors proposed a method of determining and optimizing the specific energy consumption for sucker rod pump units based on the analysis of dynamometer cards and wattmeter cards. The authors analyzed the dependence of energy consumption on the lift of oilwell fluid on such parameters of the pump unit as the length of the stroke and oscillation frequency, and the influence of the cyclical nature of the load and balance beam pumping unit.

Author Biographies

G. V. Milovzorov, Udmurt State University

DSc in Engineering, Professor

M. I. Khakimyanov, Ufa State Oil Technical University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

T. A. Redkina, Kalashnikov ISTU

Senior lecturer

A. G. Milovzorov, Udmurt State University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Milovzorov Г. В., Khakimyanov М. И., Redkina Т. А., & Milovzorov А. Г. (2015). Control system for intelligent oil wells operated by downhole method. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 13(1), 57–60. Retrieved from



Energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering