Modern problems of corrosion resistant and protective coatings of stop valves


  • R. F. Gaffanov «ZEO Energopotok» JSC
  • A. V. Schenyatsky Kalashnikov ISTU


protective coatings, stop valves, ball valves, strength, calculation theory


The problems with Inox products having corrosion resistant and protective coatings are considered in the paper. Types of external influences and defects that occur during operation are determined, basic principles of the theory of calculation for coated products under study are put forward taking into account all external factors.

Author Biographies

R. F. Gaffanov, «ZEO Energopotok» JSC

PhD in Engineering

A. V. Schenyatsky, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Gaffanov Р. Ф., & Schenyatsky А. В. (2015). Modern problems of corrosion resistant and protective coatings of stop valves. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 13(2), 52–55. Retrieved from


