Influence of superplasticizer Componoplast on concrete mobility with regard to steel reinforcing


  • V. F. Stepanova Gvozdev Research, Design and Technology Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete
  • N. V. Begunova Kalashnikov ISTU


plasticizer, concrete, concrete mix, electrochemical tests


The article discusses superplasticizing additive in concrete on the basis of lignosulfonate. Electrochemical tests are described for steel corrosion in concrete with and without additive and their results are presented. The influence of the additive on protective properties of concrete with regard to steel reinforcing is determined.

Author Biographies

V. F. Stepanova, Gvozdev Research, Design and Technology Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete

DSc in Engineering, Professor

N. V. Begunova, Kalashnikov ISTU

Senior lecturer


ГОСТ 24211-2008. Добавки для бетонов и строительных растворов. Общие технические требования.

ГОСТ 31384-2008. Защита бетонных и железобетонных конструкций от коррозии. Общие технические требования.

ГОСТ 26633-2012. Бетоны тяжелые и мелкозернистые. Технические условия».

ГОСТ 10178-85. Портландцемент и шлакопортландцемент. Технические условия.

ГОСТ 31383-2008. Защита бетонных и железобетонных конструкций от коррозии. Методы испытаний.

Там же.

Там же.



How to Cite

Stepanova В. Ф., & Begunova Н. В. (2015). Influence of superplasticizer Componoplast on concrete mobility with regard to steel reinforcing. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 13(2), 109–111. Retrieved from


