Numerical modeling of the thermal state of the SRM shell under passive flight phase


  • R. V. Mormul
  • S. N. Merzlyakov
  • M. Y. Egorov
  • A. V. Porubov


solid fuel rocket motor, thermal barrier coating, radiation, aerodynamic heating, thermal degradation, degree of blackness, combustion products, finite element method, mass loss


The paper presents a mathematical model of the conjugate problem on distribution of parameters of the thermal state of the solid fuel rocket motor (SRM) shell in the "passenger" mode. The model simultaneously takes into account the convective and radiative heat transfer, thermal conductivity and heat transfer due to the interaction of particles of condensed phase with materials of heat protection, nonlinear thermal physical characteristics (TPC), and materials of the construction. For different flight trajectories, that is, lines of movement (LM) of the power plant (PP) the temperature state is calculated for the shell cylindrical part at the section along the rear equator in the zone of minimum thickness of the thermal barrier coating (TBC). The calculations took into account the shell heating from inside as the result of redistribution of heat radiation in the process of TBC coke layers cooling. According to the calculation results, it was found out that the nominal mass of the entrained shell material (because of domestic TBC coking and cuff burnout) is 12 kg by the end of the motor operation.


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How to Cite

Mormul Р. В., Merzlyakov С. Н., Egorov М. Ю., & Porubov А. В. (2016). Numerical modeling of the thermal state of the SRM shell under passive flight phase. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(1), 19–22. Retrieved from



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