Development of isothermal forging technology for “guide machine” part


  • Y. O. Mikhailov
  • A. S. Karavayeva


isothermal forging, aluminum alloy, centrifugal pump, three-dimensional modeling, laser welding, Q-Form, manufacturing technology


This article presents the analysis of a technology of manufacturing the “ machine guide ” part, included in the assembly of a centrifugal pump for lifting the crude oil from deep reservoirs. Drawbacks of this technology are revealed and methods of their elimination are proposed, such as the selection of a material and manufacturing technology. Drawings of forgings and die tooling are designed. The program Q-Form allowed to carry out the three-dimensional modeling of the manufacturing technology by isothermal forging. Recommendations for further experimental stamping are given.


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How to Cite

Mikhailov Ю. О., & Karavayeva А. С. (2016). Development of isothermal forging technology for “guide machine” part. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(1), 33–35. Retrieved from



Energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering