Design of the LED fuzzificator for active noise cancellation systems


  • A. V. Balagurov
  • K. G. Merzlyakova
  • A. M. Zikov
  • A. P. Tyurin


fuzzificator, active cancelation headset, electronic components, driver, design


Preliminary quality assessment of the sound level with LED scale fuzzificator, embedded into active noise-canceling headphones, helps the user not only to fine-tune them to work, but also to monitor the sound level in the workplace. It becomes relevant to design a fuzzificator on the basis of electronic components. For this purpose the analysis is carried out for existing components with regard to their size, cost, and the possibility of creating a circuit with the minimum number of electronic components, in particular, a series of drivers LB1409, LB1412 and LM3916. The point indication of a signal with the possibility of substitution by a linear one is used in the basic scheme. Based on the technical documentation for the chip scheme, a scheme for measurement of the audio signal is developed, wherein 1 dB is taken as the unit of measurement; and simulation by the software signal source showed that the scheme is efficient and can be used as a measure of the noise level within active hearing protectors. Implementation of the fuzzificator device also allows to estimate the noise in real-time when developing the active noise cancellation devices in ventilation.


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How to Cite

Balagurov А. В., Merzlyakova К. Г., Zikov А. М., & Tyurin А. П. (2016). Design of the LED fuzzificator for active noise cancellation systems. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(1), 42–47. Retrieved from



Device engineering, metrology, measuring equipment and systems