Choice of the method for achieving the accuracy of the closing link in the dimension chain


  • V. G. Osetrov
  • E. S. Slashchev


methods for achieving the accuracy, controlling Boolean functions, classification links of assembling method, multiple logical table of choosing the assembling method


The article describes the classification of couplings and methods of dimension chains modeling. Basing on the synthesis of many different production parameters, the logic table is given for choosing the method of achieving the accuracy of the closing chain link by means of Boolean functions.


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How to Cite

Osetrov В. Г., & Slashchev Е. С. (2016). Choice of the method for achieving the accuracy of the closing link in the dimension chain. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(1), 55–58. Retrieved from



Device engineering, metrology, measuring equipment and systems