Data extraction from commercial web forums


  • M. N. Mokrousov
  • N. N. Chirkova


natural language processing, data extraction, regular expressions, information retrieval


This article reviews the existing approaches in the area of data retrieval from texts and provides a method for extracting data from commercial web forums based on regular expressions, dictionaries and analysis of adjacent attributes. The article describes the data structure used for storing and organizing regular expressions and information extraction rules and gives the examples of such rules. The experiment is conducted to determine the accuracy of analysis, for which a special information system is used implementing the method described in the article.


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How to Cite

Mokrousov М. Н., & Chirkova Н. Н. (2016). Data extraction from commercial web forums. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(1), 69–74. Retrieved from



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