To the calculation of the temperature field of combustion products in flue pipes of heat generating plants


  • V. S. Shutov


technique, energy conservation, mathematical modeling, boiler room


The causes of low-temperature corrosion are the reduced modes of operation of boiler systems, low temperature of flue gases at the inlet to the flue pipe, the exhaust tract defects, such as leaks, leading to aspiration of air, and others. On the other hand, overestimation of the temperature of flue gases is economically impractical because it leads to excessive fuel consumption and the reduced boiler efficiency in general. Analysis of the modes of operation of a flue is not possible without calculation of the temperature field of combustion products in it, which is quite a challenge.


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How to Cite

Shutov В. С. (2016). To the calculation of the temperature field of combustion products in flue pipes of heat generating plants. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(1), 96–99. Retrieved from



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