Modification of ICP algorithm by introducing the gain to speed up the alignment of two-dimensional point clouds


  • A. I. Abramov
  • I. V. Abramov
  • T. A. Mazitov


iterative closest point algorithm, point cloud, gain, laser scanning system


The article provides an overview of ICP algorithm and its common variants. It is proposed to use the gain to accelerate ICP-algorithm in the problem of comparison of two-dimensional point clouds. Calculation of the gain is presented. The algorithm obtained was experimentally tested to prove the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.


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How to Cite

Abramov А. И., Abramov И. В., & Mazitov Т. А. (2016). Modification of ICP algorithm by introducing the gain to speed up the alignment of two-dimensional point clouds. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(2), 4–9. Retrieved from



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