Theoretical and methodological aspects of active production management of competitive production at mechanical engineering enterprise


  • D. M. Malikova


mechanical engineering industry, product competitiveness, product range, innovation


The paper describes the main theoretical and methodological aspects of competitiveness management at a mechanical engineering company. It presents the impact of competitiveness factors in today's conditions with account of sector characteristics, as well as the principles of production competitiveness within the mechanical engineering industry. In addition, the paper reveals peculiarities of the impact factor of the WTO, the economic crisis, economic sanctions on the mechanical engineering industry. Conclusions are made on the necessity to develop the production programs that meet the principles of innovation and frugality.


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How to Cite

Malikova Д. М. (2016). Theoretical and methodological aspects of active production management of competitive production at mechanical engineering enterprise. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(2), 48–51. Retrieved from



Energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering