Simulation of Motion for Optical System of Tracking a Straight-line Flying Object of Measurement


  • A. P. Chupakhin



model, optical detection, tests


The paper presents the mathematical model describing the operation of a rotary platform of a video recording system that tracks the linear motion of munitions. The tracking system is designed for registration and measurement of trajectory parameters of items when conducting field tests. The expressions are obtained linking the main kinematic parameters of motion of the platform with the basic trajectory characteristics of the object of measurement. Simulation process involved the cases of tracking objects moving in air and in conditions when the influence of the environment can be neglected.


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How to Cite

Chupakhin А. П. (2016). Simulation of Motion for Optical System of Tracking a Straight-line Flying Object of Measurement. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(3), 60–63.



Device engineering, metrology, measuring equipment and systems