New Design of the Mud Dam of the Oblique Layered Structure and Research of its Deformation Durability


  • A. K. Rysbayeva
  • N. K. Moldakunova
  • A. S. Makhanova
  • R. B. Baymakhan



anisotropy, soil, method, calculation, dam


The paper considers the questions of developing a new high-strength mud dam which is built as an oblique layered structure based on applying usual local geologic materials like soil, sand, stones, breakstones, different shattered rocks and so on in combination with geosynthetic materials. The paper also presents a technology for constructing a trapezoid dam in cross section by oblique layers using geosynthetic materials, and a calculation model of investigating the stress-strain state of this complex non-homogeneous oblique layered anisotropic construction. Analysis of investigation results shows that the proposed design of the dam constructed as non-homogeneous oblique layers with inclusions of geosynthetic materials is much more stable for sediment deformation as compared with the available structures built traditionally as horizontal layers.


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How to Cite

Rysbayeva А. К., Moldakunova Н. К., Makhanova А. С., & Baymakhan Р. Б. (2016). New Design of the Mud Dam of the Oblique Layered Structure and Research of its Deformation Durability. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(3), 73–77.



Earth sciences