Thermal water of the IV level of productive thickness of Bina-Hovsan Trough of Azerbaijan Republic


  • S. S. Salakhov



level, temperature, structure, depth, perspective, dynamic level, clay, oil, 24-hour period


On the base of investigations, farming and genesys of thermal water are very complicated. The deep faults has the main role in thermodynamic mode of oil water, including mineral, industrial and thermal water of the Apsheron peninsula. Bina-Hovsan Through of the Apsheron peninsula has long been exploited for extraction of oil and gas. Beside, thermal and industrial waters are widespread on that area. For this reason on the west edge of the Through hydrogeological investigations have been carried out. As a result of these investigations the main hydrodynamic parameters have been calculated: discharge, static and dynamic levels, piezoconductivity, conductivity factor, temperature, etc. On the base of results of hydrogeological investigations, it has been recommended to continue hydrogeological works at the IV level of the productive thickness of Bina-Hovsan Through depending on the area and depths.


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How to Cite

Salakhov С. Ш. о. (2016). Thermal water of the IV level of productive thickness of Bina-Hovsan Trough of Azerbaijan Republic. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(3), 78–80.



Earth sciences