Method for Calculating the Trajectory of Projectiles and Rockets Shooting from Moving Carrier


  • S. A. Korolev
  • I. G. Rusyak
  • V. G. Sufiyanov



External ballistics, trajectory, aerodynamic coefficients, moving carrier, initial conditions of shooting, helicopter rotor, induced velocity


The article is devoted to the research of factors affecting the accuracy of shooting from the moving carrier (helicopter): the influence of motion parameters of a movable carrier for the initial conditions of shooting, the effect of air flow created by the main rotor of the helicopter, in the initial part of the trajectory. The method for solving the trajectory problem of accounting the above-mentioned factors is presented. The results of influence of the considered factors on the trajectory of projectiles and rockets are given.


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How to Cite

Korolev С. А., Rusyak И. Г., & Sufiyanov В. Г. (2017). Method for Calculating the Trajectory of Projectiles and Rockets Shooting from Moving Carrier. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(4), 13–18.



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