Mechanics of Combined-Type Spherical Robot


  • E. V. Aliev
  • A. H. Alieva
  • L. R. Alieva
  • A. N. Dombrachev
  • V. S. Klekovkin
  • M. A. Razzhivina



robot, omnimobility, drive, gyroscope, sphere


The paper describes the versions of spherical-type robots with various designs of the mechanical part and a new layout scheme is proposed on their basis which is free from many limitations inherent in the listed devices. Situations are shown in which the new device will be preferable than the described ones. Other layout schemes are also presented which implement the proposed principle of combining their main moving parts. The robot of the proposed design can operate in three independent modes of motion, both separately and in combination.


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How to Cite

Aliev Э. В., Alieva А. Х., Alieva Л. Р., Dombrachev А. Н., Klekovkin В. С., & Razzhivina М. А. (2017). Mechanics of Combined-Type Spherical Robot. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(4), 54–58.



Energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering