QRM Implementation as a Way to Increase the Efficiency in Single and Small Batch Production


  • M. A. Razzhivina
  • A. I. Korshunov
  • E. V. Aliev




quick response manufacturing, work cell, production efficiency, critical path of production


The article is devoted to analysis of the characteristics of the concept of quick response manufacturing, providing an increase in the efficiency of industrial systems functioning. The application of this concept provides the most significant results for single and small batch production, focused directly on the needs of the consumer of final products. It is dealt with some aspects of interaction of this concept with information systems used to control production.


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How to Cite

Razzhivina М. А., Korshunov А. И., & Aliev Э. В. (2017). QRM Implementation as a Way to Increase the Efficiency in Single and Small Batch Production. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 14(4), 80–83. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2016-4-80-83



Energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering