Innovative Way of Developing the Production of Spiroid Gears and Gearboxes
spiroid gearboxes, pipeline valves, innovative development of productionAbstract
The paper presents the description of the development of the theory of design and practice of implementation of spiroid gears and gearboxes in Russia. Stages of innovative development of spiroid gears and gearbox production are described. Mastering of this innovative production has been accompanied by the development of new methods for calculation of gears and gearboxes operating within extreme conditions for pipeline valves; development of unified layouts of gearboxes, large-scale experimental investigations preceded by development of the corresponding testing equipment, and also by creation and development of progressive manufacturing techniques that guarantee high quality of products and efficiency of production within high business struggle. It is shown that it is an innovation support that crucially promoted this development; consequently, it became possible to create one of the leading enterprises for production of science intensive import substituting gearboxes for pipeline valves that do not have analogs in the world practice.References
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