Expert System for Diagnostics of Faults of Gas Turbines at Gas-Compressor Stations


  • S. V. Pakhtusov “Gazprom Transgaz Saratov” Ltd
  • I. I. Evdakimov “Gazprom Transgaz Saratov” Ltd
  • M. V. Avramov “Gazprom Transgaz Saratov” Ltd
  • P. G. Antopov Yury Gagarin State Technical University
  • N. M. Gubin Yury Gagarin State Technical University
  • O. N. Dolinina Yury Gagarin State Technical University



gas turbines faults, expert system, fuzzy knowledge base, inference rules


The paper describes the current situation in diagnostics of faults of gas turbines (GT) at gas compressor stations. It is shown that the applied software can diagnose on-time the GT faults but does not define the reasons of their appearance and, therefore, can not improve the effectiveness of their correctness. The approach is proposed in the paper to solve the problem of diagnostics of GT faults by using the developed expert system GASDETECT on the base of expert and historical data provided by the company “Gazprom transgaz Saratov” Ltd. The structure and fuzzy rules of the expert system are described. The Mamdani fuzzy algorithm is used for making decisions.

Author Biographies

S. V. Pakhtusov, “Gazprom Transgaz Saratov” Ltd

I. I. Evdakimov, “Gazprom Transgaz Saratov” Ltd

M. V. Avramov, “Gazprom Transgaz Saratov” Ltd

Phd In Engineering

P. G. Antopov, Yury Gagarin State Technical University

Phd In Engineering

N. M. Gubin, Yury Gagarin State Technical University

O. N. Dolinina, Yury Gagarin State Technical University

Phd In Engineering


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How to Cite

Pakhtusov С. В., Evdakimov И. И., Avramov М. В., Antopov П. Г., Gubin Н. М., & Dolinina О. Н. (2017). Expert System for Diagnostics of Faults of Gas Turbines at Gas-Compressor Stations. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 15(1), 20–25.



Energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering