Analysis and Improvement of the Effectiveness of General Quantities of the Radio Links with Short Vibrator Antennas for Shortwave and Ultra-Shortwave Bands
antenna, gain, reflection coefficient, directional pattern, input impedance, polarizationAbstract
The transceiving antennas influence is still the main of the factors responsible for the effectiveness of the radio link. The paper presents the calculations of the quantities of the half-wavelength and short dipole antennas. The analysis of the short pin antennas quantities and the factors of the improvement of their effectiveness is considered. The approaches to increase the efficiency of short antennas are initiated: use of the counterbalance system for loss resistance reduction; implication of comparison inductance, antenna thickening and addition of an end-container to the top tip pin for reactive component reduction of the antenna input resistance. Therewith in practice it is necessary to attach the most important significance to the alignment and setting issues of short antennas and their matching units. An example of the short antenna simulation in the program MMANA is provided.References
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How to Cite
Shishakov К. В., Boyarshinov М. А., Karavaev П. В., Baturin А. С., & Saveliev А. В. (2017). Analysis and Improvement of the Effectiveness of General Quantities of the Radio Links with Short Vibrator Antennas for Shortwave and Ultra-Shortwave Bands. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 15(1), 47–51.
Device engineering, metrology, measuring equipment and systems