Problem of Synchronization of Material Flows in Small-Scale Production
material flow, optimization, pull system, small-scale production, Lean, QRM, ERPAbstract
The paper considers the mathematical problem of synchronization of material flows in small-scale production, the statement of objectives, optimization criteria and the demonstrative example are presented. It is proposed to use the best practices of Lean and QRM approaches as applied to small-scale production, taking into account its specifics. An approach to optimization of production, by creating a module synchronization of material flows, in accordance with the mathematical statement of the problem of production synchronization is considered. The criterion of maximizing the priorities of current orders and criteria for prioritization of work with minimal planned start time are used. The test case is considered that illustrates the principle of a synchronized system of production management in ever-changing production conditions. To demonstrate the system operation, the virtual production has been selected that consists of five production sites. Application of the synchronized system of production management allowed to profit from the execution of orders by 30% higher than without it. If you assess the level of work in progress, and the time and the amount of frozen assets, it becomes obvious that the use of a synchronized control system allows you to reduce the time and other direct and indirect costs, thus positively affecting the net profit of the enterprise. The synchronization production module is considered as an additional module of the ERP-system built into the existing one.References
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