Formation of System of Indicators for the Choice of Grouting Solutions by Expert Assessment Method
grouting cement slurry, method of expert assessment, coefficient of concordance, Pearson criterion, weight factorAbstract
In today's market, the success of the development and growth of a company largely depends on the work of the marketer, and on the correctly chosen marketing strategy. To solve the basic problems of increasing the efficiency of management of the design and survey organization, you need to work out every component of the future project. Analysis of the marketing environment and assessment of market opportunities of the organization is carried out in the course of comprehensive market research, the purpose of which is to collect information about the market and its study to improve the process of products developing and marketing. Marketing researches of the market are essential for the success of the products offered at the market. They are effective when they are considered not only as the process of obtaining hard-commercial information, but also as a means of achieving the leadership of the organization by analytical conclusions about the marketing environment changes to improve the management capabilities of the system. Marketing research of the construction market is directly related to the management of the project resources. The well-built marketing strategy is a prerequisite for successful resource management of construction. In design and survey organizations, involved in construction on collapsible soils, one of the most important sections of any project of new construction or renovation is the design of foundations, and strengthening of soils. The paper describes the procedure for the formation of a system of indicators for the evaluation and selection of oil-well cement compositions at building on collapsible soils using the method of expert survey. This method allows for revealing the opinion of experts on the researched topic, ranking any features and determining the degree of importance. The weight factor is calculated for each indicator. By using the calculated weight factor the degree of importance for a particular indicator for quality assessment is defined.References
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