Method for Calculating the Degree of Cure of Fiber Reinforced Polymer
GFRP, degree of cure, decomposition in extraction solvents, acetoneAbstract
In this paper the method for determining the degree of cure of the fiber reinforced polymer is described. The method is developed by specialists of KomAR ltd. The process of preparing the samples and carrying out the experiments is precisely described. Based on this method, the experiments have been performed in “NII Stroylab ltd” aimed at comparing the degree of cure of the fiber reinforced polymer of different manufacturers. Rods having the diameter 10 mm have been used as samples. Results obtained at testing prove the specific applied value of these characteristics when choosing the type of reinforcement for operation in aggressive environment and at direct action of UV radiation. It has been noted that the minimum allowed degree of cure to withstand the aggressive environments and UV- radiation should be 95%.References
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