Research of the Sulphate Resistance of Cement-Sand Grouts Containing Silica-Fume and Carbon Nano-Tubes Additives Under Low Temperature Conditions
corrosion resistance, silica-fume, carbon nanotubes, groutsAbstract
He influence of carbon nanotubes and silica-fume to the sulphate resistance of cement-sand grouts under the standard (20 °C) and low temperature (≤5 °C) conditions is investigated. It has been established that at the age of 30 days the additive of carbon nanotubes “Fulvec 100” with silica-fume “SF-85” allows for keeping the corrosion resistance of cement-sand grout within aggressive media at standard and low temperature conditions. Silica-fume absorbs the calcium hydroxide as a result of hydration process of cement solid solutions and carbon nanotubes create the “reinforcing” effect. This is a mechanism of complex additive action. Silica-fume excludes the formation of prime ettringite and provides the formation of C-S-H (I) phases. It has been confirmed with IR analysis. Carbon nanotubes fill the pore spaces acting as centers of crystal formation with the C-S-H (I) phases absorbed on their surfaces. The additives increase the density of the cement stone, and the check samples are not destructed in aggressive media. The optimal concentrations of silica-fume and carbon nanotubes in formation of grout are 0.05 and 0.0025 weight per volume accordingly. The addition of silica fume boosts the technological properties of grout, such as the composition homogeneity and it excludes the demixture of mortar at keeping the required consistency.References
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