Principles of Developing the Integrated Security Systems of Critical and Potentially Dangerous Objects


  • V. A. Kudel’kin Consortium "Integra-S"
  • I. M. Yannikov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • M. V. Telegina Kalashnikov ISTU



Critically important and potentially hazardous objects, integrated intelligent safety systems, principles of development, system approach


On the basis of the generalized classification of threats affecting the target's defense, it is shown that the integrated security system should function as a unified system of management, control and monitoring of possible threats. Among the shortcomings of existing approaches to the construction of integrated security systems (ISS) the fragmentation is highlighted for the existing methodological framework for the design and implementation of the IISS and the automation of presenting the recommended solutions, as well as the lack of uniform safety system requirements. In order to improve the physical security of critical and potentially dangerous objects, it is proposed to apply an intelligent integrated security system (IISS), which is characterized by continuous monitoring of the collection, processing, filing (archiving), and transmission of information in a single information field. Based on the analysis of the conceptual model to ensure the comprehensive security of critical and potentially dangerous objects, the principles of integrated safety systems are formulated: the system principle, the principle of unity of information, the principle of hierarchy, the principle of data convolution, the principle of continuous monitoring, and the invariance principle.

Author Biographies

V. A. Kudel’kin, Consortium "Integra-S"

Senior Lecturer

I. M. Yannikov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Associate Professor

M. V. Telegina, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Kudel’kin В. А., Yannikov И. М., & Telegina М. В. (2017). Principles of Developing the Integrated Security Systems of Critical and Potentially Dangerous Objects. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 15(1), 105–109.



Earth sciences