Abundances of Anthropogenic Mud Flows in the North Caucasus Region
mud flow, mudslide generation, anthropogenic (man-made) mudslides, natural and anthropogenic mud flowsAbstract
The paper discusses the impact of economic activities on the mud flow phenomenon, and the causes of the origin of mud flows. The analysis of the cases of vanishing actually anthropogenic (man-made) mud flows on the territory of the North Caucasus region. On-site of mud flow activity, the opportunities for constructive use of mud flows are problematic. Although mud deposition may be used as a building material, however, the economic damage from mud flows is not comparable with the effect of sediments. In connection with the increased interest of humanity to areas of manifestations of mud flow phenomena, the concept of "mudflow danger" appeared. The paper discusses the causes of anthropogenic, semi-natural, and man-made floods. Anthropogenic mudslides, the result of which is the emergence of new mud basins, are developing in areas of the greatest economic burden on them. As an example of the appearance of man-made mudflows, Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia and Dagestan are considered, where the risk of floods is increasing in direct proportion to the piles of rocks in the basins of local rivers. The reasons for the formation of natural-anthropogenic mud flows are the deforestation, the degradation of meadow vegetation due to overgrazing and unreasonable mowing, disturbing the angles of natural slopes in any kind of construction work, improper plowing of slopes and other unsustainable exploitation of the mountain territories. This leads to the increased erosion, increased sediment yield and thus to developing the mudslide phenomena. The proposed work, based on investigations, scientific and technical reports, summarizing documents and publications of the department of high-mountain hydro-meteorological investigations of the North Caucasus, information on mudslide phenomena, and also on archive and reference materials, is the attempt to summarize the available information on mudslide activity in the North Caucasus region.References
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