Concept of Development of Novikov Method for Synthesis of Conjugate Gearing with Initially Point Contact of Surfaces
theory of gearing, gear design, tooth contact synthesisAbstract
The most important stage of gear design is the choice of method for generation of conjugate gearing. There are two possible groups there: classical and initially optimizing. When applying the initially optimizing method, synthesis is started from the choice of the type and arrangement of instant tooth contact areas for which the transmitted torque will be maximum. One of such methods was proposed by M. L. Novikov in 1956. But the methods for synthesis of optimal contact areas and meshing lines are absent there. In order to revise this method, a new concept of gear synthesis and design is stated. The plan on implementation of this concept, consisting of 5 steps is proposed. The content of the first step is presented, that is, development of mathematical models and programs for investigation of the meshing space. The following features are described: the purpose, coordinate systems, parameters of the meshing line and instant contact area, and qualitative parameters. Laws of mechanics, scientific information and basic analytical equations used at the first step are stated. The main problems of the second step are established: revealing the areas of favorable, unfavorable and unallowable values of qualitative parameters, development of algorithms for the choice of optimal meshing and contact lines, etc. The level of complexity for this step is assessed.References
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