Classification and Applicability of Technological Mandrels


  • M. A. Volkov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. G. Osetrov Kalashnikov ISTU



technological mandrel, classification, control Boolean function, logic table, applicability


This paper deals with the use of technological solutions in machine building in the shops of industrial enterprises. For the conditions of modern production, a classification of technological mandrels was developed according to their technological features, which reveals the type of mandrels, depending on the type of the mounting surface, the type of the basic surface and the type of the machined part fitting on the mounting surface of the mandrel. Further in the paper the information on the use options is given: the type of processing, data processing, the ratio of the length to the diameter, the radial and end deflection of the workpiece and the type of application of the mandrel. The solution of information retrieval databases of technological mandrels is presented on the basis of application of Boolean functions. The use of such databases for enterprises allows us to select the type of the required technological mandrel based on the synthesis of production parameters. Thus, the paper presents Boolean functions of a slotted mandrel with a liquid filler and a re-adjustable mandrels with polyurethane used in a turning operation. In conclusion, Boolean functions of the basic designs of technological mandrels, derived on the basis of a logical table, are presented.

Author Biographies

M. A. Volkov, Kalashnikov ISTU


V. G. Osetrov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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Там же.



How to Cite

Volkov М. А., & Osetrov В. Г. (2017). Classification and Applicability of Technological Mandrels. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 15(2), 19–22.



Energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering