Experimental Research of Pyro Treatment of Canvases Made of Super Thin Basalt Fiber


  • A. G. Elbakian Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU
  • B. A. Sentyakov Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU




super thin basalt fiber, pyro treatment, dust extraction, environmental pollution


The main purpose of the performed experimental research of heat treatment of samples of canvases made of super thin basalt fiber obtained at the operating industrial plant that implements the duplex technology of their production is to confirm the effect of decreasing the dust emission when working with such canvases and forming recommendations for assigning the parameters of the pyro treatment process. The relevant problem is the maximum reduction in the release of dust from materials used in production. Fine dust, contained in canvas made of basalt fiber, is very harmful to the skin, mucous membrane and especially to the lungs. Even with the condition that the dust content in the production room is within the limits set by the technical requirements, the impact on the respiratory tract accumulated over the years has harmful consequences for the human body. Before the beginning of the research of the pyro treatment process, the task was set to propose a technique for quantifying the content of dust-like inclusions in canvas made from super thin basalt fiber. Such inclusions can pollute the surrounding area of the production premises when working with canvases, when hand-transporting, storing, hand-packaging or manufacturing products of a given geometric shape. It is also obvious, that the efficiency of the process of pyro processing of canvases from basalt fiber will depend substantially on the parameters of the thermal field created by the flame source. Therefore, the next task was to study the regularity of the temperature distribution in the high-temperature field of the burner flame. At the main stage of flame studies, samples of canvases from super thin basaltic fiber were treated at different exposure times, and a comparative analysis was carried out with untreated samples. The obtained data testify to the positive results of such treatment of canvases, which substantially reduces the amount of fine dust emerging from the samples into the air during shaking and other types of mechanical impact.

Author Biographies

A. G. Elbakian, Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU


B. A. Sentyakov, Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Elbakian А. Г., & Sentyakov Б. А. (2017). Experimental Research of Pyro Treatment of Canvases Made of Super Thin Basalt Fiber. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 15(2), 67–70. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2017-2-67-70



Energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering