Development of the Scheme of Controlling the Charge of the Ultracapacitor Module and Definition of Its Workability by Modeling
Multisim, ultracapacitor, hybrid battery, modelingAbstract
The paper considers the problem of development of a hybrid battery based on lithium batteries and ultracapacitors that would keep its serviceability at low temperatures. This issue is based on solving the problem of the module charge of ultracapacitors. The device is to be developed, that could perform the preliminary charging the module of ultracapacitors and keep the voltage in it at a definite level. In order to solve this problem, characteristics of accumulator batteries and ultracapacitors were analyzed. The opinion was proved that ultracapacitors have much better temperature characteristics and the characteristics of the number of “charge-recharge” cycles. The structural scheme of a hybrid battery was developed and its operation was described. The paper considers the processes of development of specific units of this scheme such as the device for preliminary charging of the ultracapacitor module and the device for controlling the direct voltage transducer that connects the accumulator battery and the module of ultracapacitors. The paper contains the calculation of main parameters of the scheme and description of choosing the applied devices. The paper also comprises the description of such an auxiliary device as the adaptor of voltage transformation which serves for its distant control. The workability of all the described above developed schemes is checked by means of modeling in the software media Multisim. Based on the data obtained at modeling, the workability of the obtained schemes is analyzed. To substantiate the obtained results, a general scheme for charging the ultracapacitor module is assembled. Results of modeling prove the workability of the general scheme, therefore, the conclusion is made on possibility to apply this scheme in practice. Application of ultracapacitors in hybrid accumulator batteries has a number of problems, but they can be solved by control schemes, for example, similar to the scheme that is considered in the paper.References
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