The Development of Automated Information System of Monitoring the State of Health of the Patient with Application of Cloud Technologies
UML, health monitoring, mathematical modeling, dangerous states, localization of symptoms, databases, user interfaceAbstract
The paper considers the existing nowadays problems appearing when giving a specialized medical aid to the diseased. The conceptual model of the automated system of monitoring the state of health of the patient has been further developed. Based on the original conceptual model, the mathematical model has been developed that allowed for plotting the ER- and UML-diagrams necessary for more detailed analysis of the current inside processes. Investigation of the process of automation of monitoring the combinations of symptoms dangerous for health and established sets of dangerous states of health allowed for collecting the relation database (based on the SQLite 3 design media), necessary for valid and non-fail operation of the system. Localization of possible symptoms of existing illnesses and damages of body parts into a single graphic interface related to the developed models of classes of the subject area and structure of data of the information system allowed for implementing the friendly graphic user’s interface. To further develop the created information system up to the commonly available level, the decision was made on application of cloud web technologies as its basis. It is planned to locate the automated system of monitoring the state of health of the patient on cloud servers which, in turn, will have a positive effect both from points of view of availability and instant distribution of released upgrades.References
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