Automation of Removal of Emergency Discharges in Sewage Treatment Systems


  • V. A. Alekseev Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. P. Usoltsev Kalashnikov ISTU
  • S. I. Yuran Kalashnikov ISTU



emergency discharge, optical density, automated system


The paper considers one of the approaches to the organization of systems of sewage at industrial enterprises in the process of removing contaminants caused by beyond design basis accidents. The cases are discussed when an emergency discharge is a clot of a homogeneous fluid, formed in the wastewater during an accident on any part of the production process (equipment, capacity, piping with substances that do not fall into the wastewater in the normal process of production). It is proposed to direct the discovered clots of accidental discharges to sumps. In order to control the emergency dumping discharges it is suggested to use optical methods for detection of clots by measuring changes in the optical density of the fluid in the sewage pipe. The diagram of the automated laboratory installation for investigating the changes of the optical density of water environments allowing to create different options of pollution is considered. Unlike the earlier used installation, the diagram contains the unit of radiators (LEDs, junction lasers) consisting of several sources of radiation with different wavelength of radiation. It allows to measure the optical density of water environment in case of one concentration of the pollutant simultaneously on several lengths of waves that accelerates the procedure of carrying out the experiments and increases their convenience. Also the diagram of automated system for elimination of abnormal discharges on treatment facilities is considered. Application of this system reduces the probability of arrival of pollution in the form of clots from different accidents on cleaning filters, which are in the main channel of movement of water environment that increases the service life of cleaning filters.

Author Biographies

V. A. Alekseev, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

V. P. Usoltsev, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering

S. I. Yuran, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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Пат. № 153362 РФ на полезную модель. МПК G01N15/06. Устройство устранения аварийного выброса / Алексеев В. А., Девятов Н. А., Юран С. И., Усольцев В. П. - Заявка на полезную модель 2014141487, Дата подачи заявки: 14.10.2014. Опубл.: 20.07.2015 Бюл. № 20.



How to Cite

Alekseev В. А., Usoltsev В. П., & Yuran С. И. (2017). Automation of Removal of Emergency Discharges in Sewage Treatment Systems. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 15(2), 126–130.



Earth sciences