The Method of Utilization of Associated Petroleum Gas with High Nitrogen Content in the Fields of the Udmurt Republic


  • I. A. Chernov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. N. Didenko Kalashnikov ISTU



associated petroleum gas, utilization, cogeneration, gas turbine unit, gas piston installation, feasibility study


The paper presents the results of a study on the topical problem of utilization of associated petroleum gas (APG) in the oil fields of the Udmurt Republic (UR), where APG contains up to 90% of nitrogen and therefore has a calorific value of 4...5 times less than that of natural gas. Objectives of the study are: selection of APG utilization method in relation to conditions of UR; analysis of ways and means of technical implementation of the selected method of APG utilization; feasibility study of the adopted method or installation for utilization of APG. Based on the analysis of the applicability of existing APG utilization methods to the UR fields, a combustion method in cogeneration plants with the production of electricity is chosen. The comparative analysis is performed for the characteristics of two types of cogeneration plants (power stations) allowing the combustion of APG with a combustion heat of less than 8.0 MJ/m3: gas turbine units (GTU) of the American firm "Capstone" and gas piston units (GPU) of the Russian company "GazEcos". The main technical advantages of the GPU under consideration are: no booster compressor; a lower cost of installation at the same power; the possibility of using gaseous fuel with a heat of combustion from 4.19 MJ / m3; import substitution. The results of calculating the discounted payback period chosen by the GPU, supporting its advantage, are presented.

Author Biographies

I. A. Chernov, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student

V. N. Didenko, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Chernov И. А., & Didenko В. Н. (2017). The Method of Utilization of Associated Petroleum Gas with High Nitrogen Content in the Fields of the Udmurt Republic. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 15(2), 131–134.



Earth sciences