Basics of Simulation Solid-state Wave Gyroscope Resonator


  • M. L. Arslanova Kalashnikov ISTU
  • G. A. Trutnev Kalashnikov ISTU



Solid-state Wave Gyroscope, resonator, mathematical simulation, finite and element simulation, Ansys, modal analysis, resonance frequencies, accuracy of calculations, experimental measurements


The basic element of the Solid-state Wave Gyroscope - the quartz resonator is considered. Issues of a study of the resonator of the Solid-state Wave Gyroscope by means of finite and element simulation in the Ansys program are discussed. Stages of preparation of the model by standard program means are described: Engineering Data, Design Modeler, Modal. Simple construction of the resonator in the form of a hemisphere on a pinch is given. The factors influencing the calculated values of resonance frequencies are considered. The resonator parameters used in case of simulation are given. The main results of calculations are presented: resonance frequencies and modes of oscillations corresponding to them. Questions of accuracy of calculations are studied, the dependence of calculated values on the quantity of elements in partition of the resonator on finite elements is given. Accuracy of calculations is evaluated on a deviation of frequencies for modes of one form - for an ideal axisymmetric shell two modes correspond to one frequency. Results of measurements of resonance frequencies of the experimental samples with the construction matching the construction of the model are given. The experimental values are analyzed. Design and experimental values are compared, their distinction is explained. The factors influencing the value of the resonance frequency of the second form of oscillations of the resonator are analyzed. Estimates of accuracy and adequacy of the model received by Ansys are given.

Author Biographies

M. L. Arslanova, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student

G. A. Trutnev, Kalashnikov ISTU

Kalashnikov ISTU


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How to Cite

Arslanova М. Л., & Trutnev Г. А. (2017). Basics of Simulation Solid-state Wave Gyroscope Resonator. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 15(3), 4–17.



Energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering