Development of Terminology in Gearing and Power Transmissions. Part 3. Identification of Notions on Gear Failure Modes


  • V. E. Starzhinsky V. A. Belyi Metal-Polymer Research Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
  • V. I. Goldfarb Kalashnikov ISTU
  • S. V. Shilko V. A. Belyi Metal-Polymer Research Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
  • E. V. Shalobaev Saint-Petersburg National University of Informative Technology, Mechanics and Optics
  • E. I. Tesker Volgograd State Technical University



gear drive, terminology, classification of gear failure modes, classes of damage, common modes of damage, specific modes of damage, degree of damage, quantity factors of tooth flank pitting


Results of analysis of normative sources on gear failure modes and elaboration of Interstate Standard [6] on their classification and description are discoursed. Manifold informative sources are involved in turnover - International ISO and national (AGMA, DIN) standards; normative document of the German Group company “Zahnfabric Friedrichshafen A.G.” with term definitions, their characteristics and causes, accessing failures; atlas “Analysis of gear failures” of USA firm “Geartech”; methodical instructions on the computations and testing on strength and classification of metal breaking modes, as well as results of own or authors investigations. The principles, assumed in the base of classification - attribution of one or another failure to the definite class, common mode, specific mode and degree of failure - are described. All together failures are classified on 76 designations of classes, modes and degrees ones. Quantity parameters of fatigue pitting of the gear tooth working surfaces and in depth; the degree of tooth profile distortion and pitting dissemination; stages of their developing; parameters and characteristics, as well as calculating formulae for their determination are considered in details. In conclusion, results of activity on identification and classification of notions in the field of gearing and gear transmissions are summarized.

Author Biographies

V. E. Starzhinsky, V. A. Belyi Metal-Polymer Research Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

DSc in Engineering, Professor

V. I. Goldfarb, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

S. V. Shilko, V. A. Belyi Metal-Polymer Research Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

PhD in Engineering, Associated Professor

E. V. Shalobaev, Saint-Petersburg National University of Informative Technology, Mechanics and Optics

PhD in Engineering, Professor

E. I. Tesker, Volgograd State Technical University

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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ANSI/AGMA 1010-E 95. Appearance of Gear Teeth - Terminology of Wear and Failure.

DIN 3979: 1979. Zahnschäden an Zahnradgetriebe. Bezeichnungen, Merkmale, Ursachen.

Gear Failure Analysis. Edited by Robert Errichello. Geartech. Townsend. Montana. - 2000.

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Виды повреждения зубчатых колес: типология и рекомендации по предупреждению повреждений / В. Е. Старжинский, Ю. Л. Солитерман, Е. И. Тескер, А. М. Гоман, С. А. Осипенко // Трение и износ. - 2008. - Т. 29, № 5. - С. 465-482.

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How to Cite

Starzhinsky В. Е., Goldfarb В. И., Shilko С. В., Shalobaev Е. В., & Tesker Е. И. (2017). Development of Terminology in Gearing and Power Transmissions. Part 3. Identification of Notions on Gear Failure Modes. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 15(3), 51–61.



Energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering