Transport Robot Control by Voice Commands
voice commands, transport robot, control, simulationAbstract
Fuzzy logic is used in control systems of modern robots, so it is advisable to submit robot control commands based on fuzzy logic, which will allow robots to effectively perform the tasks set. The paper discusses the transport robot control by voice commands and the procedure of its movement modeling in the software product Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio. To simulate the movement of the transport robot, the Visual Programming Language was used; it is a visual programming environment for creating and debugging applications. To recognize voice commands, you use a tablet computer or a mobile phone with an Android operating system with an application that allows you to control the robot using the Bluetooth interface. A program has been developed that will allow a person to control a robot through speech. A visual program for controlling the movement of the transport robot has been obtained. An example of robot simulation and its trajectory with the use of voice control is given. The developed control system allows to follow the transport robot from one target point to another using voice control. The task of controlling the robot using voice control is greatly simplified, since it practically does not require special skills from the operator. Ultimately, voice control will facilitate the use of robots in industry, everyday life and other areas. It will be possible to control not only robots, but also other devices that have microprocessor control.References
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