Occurrence of Fretting in Connection with Interference with Loading by Bending with the Rotation


  • Y. V. Turygin Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. A. Yakupov Kalashnikov ISTU




fretting, fretting corrosion, pressure connection, bending, rotation, finite element method (FEM)


The paper considers the reasons for the occurrence of fretting in dense contact details, for example the pressure connection. A large number of such compounds used in mechanical engineering, are experiencing fluctuating loads. These types of loads include pulsating and shock ones tending to move the parts relative to each other; twisting loads which arise under the action of torsional vibrations and capable to cause circumferential offset of the mating elements. The conditions of appearance and some types of damage appearing in contacting details in the result of fretting wear are considered. For example, fretting occurred in the landing place of the outer ring of the bearing in a housing part. The reason for this destruction was the microscopic (relative motion of the contacting parts) that occurred during the operation of the node. Such destruction does not favorably influence the load distribution in the bearing, the products of wear will serve as the abrasive elements, which is also bad for operation of parts. A review of works is carried out describing the attempts to solve this problem by the finite element method, for example using ANSYS software. In the analysed example while modeling the problem was solved for three states: the mesh, the slide and the opening of the joint.

Author Biographies

Y. V. Turygin, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

A. A. Yakupov, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Turygin Ю. В., & Yakupov А. А. (2017). Occurrence of Fretting in Connection with Interference with Loading by Bending with the Rotation. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 15(4), 12–15. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2017-4-12-15


